Denis Doherty came to the US in 1884 or 1885. At this time, it is unknown if he originally arrived in Chicago or if he stopped somewhere else first. The earliest record of him in the city comes in 1889 when he married Katherine Moran. Unfortunately, none of the marriage documents provide a residence for Denis and Kate.
The 1900 US Census provides the first definitive address for Denis and Kate at 6136 S. Peoria Street. Using this information it is possible to work backwards through Chicago City Directories to find prior addresses.
The greatest challenge to using Chicago City Directories is that there are four Dennis Doherty's with inconsistent name spellings living in the city in the late 1800's. In all cases, the first name is Americanized as "Dennis" and the last name varies between "Doherty" and "Dougherty." Nevertheless, using the known 1900 address and identifying the "imposter" Denis Doherty's it is possible to identify the family's likely residences from 1896-1901. Unfortunately, none of these homes are still standing.
1896-1897: 832 W. 64th Street
1898: 6007 S. Peoria Street
1899: rear 1017 W 59th Street
1900-1901: 61136 S. Peoria Street
Access to entries before 1896 and after 1901 is currently unavailable, but it is hoped that they might provide additional information once reviewed.